
Laminar Lip spoiler, Kawasaki GTR1400 2007-Tall

Model/varenr.: LIP-K1198


Monteres hurtigt og enkelt med det medfølgende patenterede Dual Lock velcro fra 3M.

Laminar Lip er et omvendt bæreplan (airfoil), som sørger for at skyde vindturbulenserne 10 til 15 cm længere op end hvis man kører uden en Lip (hos nogle modeller helt op til 20cm længere op).

Med en Lip kan du nu kontrollere luftstrømningen omkring din motorcykel kåbe.

Montagevejledning (kun på engelsk)


Mounting Instructions for K1198


  1. Make sure that the temperature is above 70°F to assure good adhesion of the 3M(tm) Dual Locks.
  2. Place the motorcycle on level ground.
  3. Clean the surfaces where the LIP will be located with the soapy water (not polish).
  4. Wipe and dry the surfaces where the Dual Locks will be located with the enclosed alcohol pad. The surface should not feel slippery to your thumb.
  5. The LIP may be installed at various heights, as riders are various heights, a good starting location for many riders is one inch higher than the windshield. We recommend that the LIP be mounted in a range from even with the top of the shield to a max. of half the LIP (in center of LIP) above the shield.
  6. You may want to use duct or masking tape holding the outsides of the LIP to the shield while you slowly test ride. Windshield surfaces may scratch easily (protect them with masking tape, etc.), Laminar LLC cannot be responsible for damages. Make sure to use a tape that the adhesive can be removed easily.
  7. Have someone sit on the motorcycle to help with alignment.
  8. With the Dual Locks mated to the LIP peel the plastic release film.
  9. Align the LIP and windshield yet holding the LIP just away from the windshield (in mounting you may bend the LIP more open if needed).
  10. Allow the bottom end of the Dual Locks on one side to make contact, then, making sure that the LIP and windshield upper edges are level (your buddy's job) allow the other side to touch. Try to get the surfaces of the windshield and LIP as parallel as possible in the areas where the Dual Locks are located in order to give the Dual Locks the maximum surface contact. The gap at the center should be 3/4" to 2" or so.
  11. Press the LIP and windshield together at the adhesives locations (min. 15 lbs. pressure) to insure good bonding. By looking from the back of the windshield assure that the tape is totally adhered. The adhesive should look wet and sealed.
  12. Tomorrow check and press it again, the adhesives are time cured and should be nearly set up in 24 hours; however, you can ride now if you want.
  13. To remove the LIP the Dual Locks must be separated. To do this use a kitchen or butter knife (not sharp). While pulling the LIP away from the windshield use the knife to slice the Dual Locks apart. Once started they should not be too difficult to separate. Save your extra Dual Locks.
  14. If VHB Adhesive is removed at anytime do not reuse. Occasionally check integrity of the mount.

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